Dr. Mohammad Safiqul Islam Professor, Department of Economics
Applied Econometrics, Applied Microeconomics, Applied Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, Development Economics and Environment Economics.
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “Agriculture Loan Disbursement and Rice Production in Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis”, The Jahangirnagar Economic Review, Vol. 27, June, 2016..Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “A Study on the Behaviour of Foreign Trade, Foreign Exchange Reserve, and Remittances in Bangladesh and Their Implications of Government Policies”, The Jahangirnagar Review Part II Social Science, 2014 (Published Year 2017)..
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “Service Sector and Its Prospects for Bangladesh Economy”, The Jahangirnagar Review Part II Social Science, Vol. 23, June, 2013 (Published Year 2017).
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “Employment Trends and GDP Growth in Bangladesh”, The Jahangirnagar Economic Review, Vol. 24, June, 2013.
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “Revisiting Inflationary Episodes and Policy Responses in Bangladesh”, The Jahangirnagar Economic Review, Vol. 23, June, 2012..
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “Education and Economic Growth in Bangladesh: A Micro and Macro Level Empirical Study”, The Jahangirnagar Economic Review, Vol. 20, , June, 2010.
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “Utilization and Effectiveness of Foreign Aid in the Health Sector of Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis”, The Jahangirnagar Review Part II Social Science, 2009.
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “Social Health Insurance in Bangladesh: A proposed Model”, The Jahangirnagar Economic Review, Vol. 20, June 2009., June, 2009.
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “Economic Performance and the Unemployment Level: Evidence from Some South Asian Countries”, The Jahangirnagar Review Part II Social Science, Vol. xxxx, pp.217-226, 2007.
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “The Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Aggregate Export Performance: Evidence from Some European and South Asian Countries”, The Jahangirnagar Review Part II Social Science, Vol. xxxix, pp.165-176, 2005.
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “The Nexus of Rice Production and It’s Price in Bangladesh: Evidence from Time Series Analysis”-at 2016-A project funded by University Grant Commission (UGC) through the Jahangirnagar.,Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “Rice Production in Bangladesh: A Time Series Analysis”- at 2016- A project funded by the Social Science Faculty, Jahangirnagar University.,
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “Immigration and Labour Migration: Impacts on Regional Economies” -at 2014-A project funded by University Grant Commission (UGC) through the Jahangirnagar University.,
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “Investment Trends at Ready-Made Garments (RMG) Sector in Bangladesh” - at 2015- A project funded by the Social Science Faculty, Jahangirnagar University.,
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “Contribution of Services Sector in the Economy of Bangladesh”-at 2014-A project funded by University Grant Commission (UGC) through the Jahangirnagar University.,
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Case Study in Savar”- at 2014- A project funded by the Social Science Faculty, Jahangirnagar University.,
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “How Inflation Affects Consumption in Bangladesh?”-at 2012-A project funded by University Grant Commission (UGC) through the Jahangirnagar University.,
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “Identify the Factors of Students’ Performance: Department of Economics; JU.” at 2012- A project funded by the Social Science Faculty, Jahangirnagar University.,
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “Inflation Wages and Living Standard in Bangladesh” –at 2011-A project funded by University Grant Commission (UGC) through the Jahangirnagar University.,
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “Employment Trend in Various Sectors and its Contribution towards GDP in Bangladesh”- at-2011-A project funded by the Social Science Faculty, Jahangirnagar University.,
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “The Supply and Demand of the Labor Market in Bangladesh”-at 2010-A project funded by University Grant Commission (UGC) through the Jahangirnagar University.,
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “The Socio-economic Condition of Urban and Rural Rickshaw Pullers” at 2010- A project funded by the Social Science Faculty, Jahangirnagar University.,
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “International Labor Migration Impacts on Unemployment and Poverty Reduction in Bangladesh”- at 2010- A project funded by the Social Science Faculty, Jahangirnagar University.,
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “Minimum Wage in Ready Made Garment (RMG) Sector and Impacts in Bangladesh.” at 2009- A project funded by the Social Science Faculty, Jahangirnagar University.,
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “Education and Training for Economic Growth: A Micro and Macro Level Empirical Study in Bangladesh”- A project funded by University Grant Commission (UGC) through the Jahangirnagar University.,
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “A Study on Child Labor Situation at Jahangirnagar University Campus Arena” at 2009- A project funded by the Social Science Faculty, Jahangirnagar University.,
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “Aid Effectiveness in Bangladesh: Evidence from Health Sector” at 2008- A project funded by Action aid, Bangladesh,
Mohammad Safiqul Islam, “Whither Employment in Bangladesh-40 Years”, 2012.Teaching
Course Code | Course Title | Semester/Year |
ECON 504 | Econometrics | 2022 |
ECON 102 | Principles of Economics II | 2022 |
ECON 504 | Econometrics | 2023 |
ECON 306 | Introduction to Econometrics | 2023 |
Academic Info
Period: B. Sc in Economics; 1997 (Held in 2000).
Department of Economics, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342,
1st class 1st
Period: PhD; Completed 2022; Session: 2015-2016
Department of Economics
Jahangirnagar University
Savar; Dhaka-1342
Period: M. A. in Economics; 2005-2007
Department of Economics
United States of America
As a Fulbright Scholar
Period: M. Sc. in Economics; 1998-1999
Department of Economics
Jahangirnagar University
Savar; Dhaka-1342
Position: Research Assistant
Period: January 2001- December 2002
Under Professor M. Kabir
Position: Lecturer
Period: March 2003 - July 2003
Position: Lecturer
Period: July 2003-June 2006
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: July 2006-July 2010
Position: Associate Professor
Period: August 2010-August 2017
Position: Professor
Period: From September 2017 to Present
Position: Member
Position: Life Member
Period: 2005 to Present
Position: House Tutor
Period: 2004-2005
Dr. Mohammad Safiqul Islam
Department of Economics
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +8801712047043
Work Phone: Ext 2134
Email: msafiqi2004@juniv.edu